Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hello again...  Well yesterday we were in Corfu and it was absolutely glorious...  a scorching 34 degrees...  Today we were in Dubrovnik and the rain poured down -- we looked liked drowned rats -- absolutely soaked to our core!!!  But it was still warm...

Dubrovnik was so beautiful, probably the prettiest place we havebeen to so far!!!  We walked and walked through the old town which is completely surrounded by a stone wall -- we climbed millions of steps to the top of the wall and walked right around the old city...  On the other side of the wall was the sea  -- I couldn'[t help thinking about the Australian girl who was murdered here last year and her body dismembered and thrown into the sea -- I wondered how such a beautiful place could house such evil :(  It made me so sad for her and her family...

On a happier note -- a couple of nights ago we had the formal night.   We were all supposed to meet outside our cabins at 7.30 and walk to dinner together.  As we congretated outside Joe and Franca's cabin -- Franca came out and said that Joe would be ready in a couple of minutes...  Lo and behold the cabin door opened and Joe came out wearing only his shirt and jacket -- no pants or shoes (just for a joke)  We couldn't stop laughing -- but then the joke was on Joe as his cabin door slammed and he realized the keys were still inside... OMG how embarrassing as people walked past and stared at him half naked and the rest of us rolling around on the floor in stitches.

We had to quickly find the housekeeper to open his cabin so that he could finish getting dressed!!!

At the moment we are all busy packing our cases as tomorrow we will be transferred from the MSC Musica to the MSC Fantasia which will be our new home for next week!!!

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